Friday, August 2, 2013

Welcome to K2

Dear Parents and Students,                                                       

Welcome to K2! I hope you had a terrific summer.
I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know you, and I’m looking forward to a happy and productive school year. Our class blog is:

This blog will be used for all schedules, information, and assignments as well as homework. I will also use the blog for posting photographs of class activities and just use it as a way of keeping you informed and up-to-date for activities for school life.  The Communication Book will only be for material related to specific students (your child).
The start of a new year holds the promise of new discovery and learning as well as the prospect of personal growth in all areas. We will have lots of fun reading, writing, and learning new things together.
In Kindergarten, students will need the following:
* sleeping bag
* slippers
* toothpaste and toothbrush
* plastic cup
* 1 bag of tissue
* 1 bag wet tissue
* 1 bottle hand sanitizer
* 1 bottle hand soap
* English name stickers
* extra uniform (with initials or name please)
* 2 snacks daily (FRUIT ONLY)
* apron for Art Class
* pencil case (pencils, eraser, ruler)
* crayons / markers / coloring pencils (if possible Faber Castell)
* towel / handkerchief
* one or two books which will be used as a class library (more is also fine!)
* sketch books
* scissors and glue
* one workbook

Please remember to label all your child’s material with their English name or initials.
Also, we need to collect 4000 NT dollars for the class fund from each student. This money is used to purchase materials for the classroom for various events and activities.
Thank you for your support. We look forward to a wonderful year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Please also be reminded that:
      - Kindergarten students are to wear their PE Uniform every day, however for Mass    K2 students must wear their proper full school uniform (including black leather shoes)
      - Students should be prompt in coming to school no later than 8:30 a.m. every-day
      - Students will be ready and waiting to go home at 4:00 p.m. everyday
Furthermore, I would like to collect $4000 NTD from each student for class fund.    A detailed spending list will be provided by the end of the school year.
So much will happen this year and because of this, the year will be full of important transitions.    I believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success. If you ever have any comments, questions or concerns, please write to me in the communication book. I will be available in the lobby every day during pick-up time from 4-4:30 pm if you have any questions, concerns or just want to talk!
Once again, welcome to K2!

Let’s work together to make this the best year ever!


Ms. Emily Scott