Friday, August 16, 2013

Weekly Homework & Spelling Tests

Every Friday, K2 students will receive Homework & new Spelling List of 10 words.

The homework should take students about 10 minutes to complete over the weekend. Please send the homework back completed in the student's folder on the next Monday (3 days later).

The Spelling List should be studied throughout the weekend and the following week, and a Spelling Test will be given the next Friday (one week later). I will begin choosing the Spelling words by picking words students can sound out, like "sun" (s-u-n). As students phonics skills improve, I will choose more difficult words. The score is not as important as the effort. As long as a student tries hard, they are succeeding! The number score is not of high importance.

Here are some tips for how to practice the Spelling List:

1) Look at the word.
2) Say the word. Listen to the sounds. Say the letters in order. ("Fish"    "f-i-sh)
3) Think about the word. Picture how the letters look.
4) Write the word down.
5) Check your spelling.

Parents should ask the students to practice writing their words about once a day (5-6 times a week).