Saturday, August 31, 2013

Week 4 Daily Plan: September 2-6

Daily Plan: Week 4 : September 2-6

Phonics: the letter “h”
Language: Nouns
Writing: Colors & Shapes
Math: More Time, Less Time
Science: Many Animals

Reading: What’s a Pal?
Language: Nouns
Social Studies: Helpers in the Community
Science: How Animals Move
Reading/Phonics: Sightword Review
Phonics: the letter “m”
Language: Making a Noun Book
Social Studies: Solve a Problem
Math: More Time, Less Time
Writing: Left & Right
Reading: What’s a Pal?
Social Studies: Solve a Problem
Christian Living
Phonics: the letter “k”
Language: Spelling Test
Math: Order Events
Science: Animal Study 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Homework & Spelling List #3

Homework: Due Monday, September 2nd

- Complete 2 Math pages (Problem Solving: Use a Picture and Days & Months on the Calendar)
Students may need assistance reading the days and months. Instructions are on the bottom of the pages.

Spelling List: Test Friday, September 6th
  1. fan    
  2. pan    
  3. ran  
  4. tan    
  5. van    
  6. cap
  7. map
  8. nap
  9. rap
 10. ham

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dress Code for School Mass

As there was no time for Communication Books, due to the unforeseen half-day, I wanted to remind you to please wear your full, proper school uniform tomorrow (Friday, August 30th) with all black shoes. No PE uniforms should be worn to school.

If students would like, they can bring their PE uniform to change into after mass.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Chinese Homework

Today students received Chinese Homework. Please complete the four pages and bring back in the "Chinese" folder by Friday, August 30th.

Monday, August 26, 2013

K2 Updates

It was very nice to see most of you this past Saturday! Looking forward to a great year that's had a wonderful start.

After speaking to you, I wanted to fill you in on how I will meet some of the needs addressed:

1) I will send the spelling tests home in students communication books the following Monday. Please look at the test, and send it back by Wednesday.

2) Beginning September, I will send home homework each Monday (to be returned by Wednesday), and Friday (to be returned Monday), as well as the weekly Spelling Test (words will be given Friday and test one week later, the following Friday). After seeing how students are doing at the end of September, I will assess if more homework is needed.

3) I have spoken to Ms. Lin, the Chinese teacher, and have asked her to provide students with Chinese homework, weekly or bi-weekly, as well.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Week 3 Daily Plan: August 26-30th

Phonics: Review S, T, B
Language: Non Verbal Cues (Feelings & Gestures)
Writing: Prepositions
Math: Comparing Temperature
Science: Living Things

Reading: What is a Pal?
Language: Reading Buddies
Social Studies: Helpers All Around
Real & Pretend Reading/Phonics: Review Sight Words

Phonics: The letter “h”
Language: Same & Different
Math: Complete the Calendar
Social Studies: Helpers at School
Writing: Colors & Shapes

** Mass Rehearsal **
Social Studies: Helpers in the Community
Christian Living
Opening Mass (Wear proper school uniform, not PE uniform)
Language: Spelling Test #2
Story time
Math: Calendar Puzzle
Science: How Animals Vary

Homework & Spelling List #2

Homework: Due Monday, August 26th
- Complete 2 "Measuring"  pages.

Cut out the measuring stick at the bottom of the first page (page 90) to help measure the pencils on the two pages.
Draw an "X" on the smallest pencil on each page, and circle the longest pencil on each page.

Spelling List: Test Friday, August 30th
  1. am      
  2. an      
  3. as      
  4. at        
  5. rat      
  6. sat
  7. cat
  8. bad
  9. mad
 10. pad

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Homework, Spelling Lists and Daily Plan Handouts

The "Homework" folder which comes home each Friday will include the week's homework, Spelling List and Daily Plan for the next week.

Please return this folder the following Monday with only the completed homework inside. You may keep the Spelling List and Daily Plan at home for your own convenience.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week 2 Daily Plan: August 19-23rd

Phonics: the sound of “S”
Language: ABC’s & Me
Writing: The Alphabet
Math: Days of the Week
Science: Science Skills: observe, compare, measure, sort
Story Time
Science: Tools: measuring cup, lens, thermometer, balance, ruler
Reading/Phonics: Sight words: I, in, is, it
Phonics: the sound of “T”
Language: Making Introductions
Writing: Top & Bottom
Math: Months of the Year
Social Studies: Classroom Tools
Reading: Rhyming words
Social Studies: Prepositions & Location
Christian Living
Phonics: the sound of “B”
Language: Spelling Test
Social Studies: Left & Right
Math: Calendars
Science: Science Tools Activity

Monday, August 19, 2013

Meet the K2 Class!

Having fun on the playground     

Being Silly

Friday, August 16, 2013

Weekly Homework & Spelling Tests

Every Friday, K2 students will receive Homework & new Spelling List of 10 words.

The homework should take students about 10 minutes to complete over the weekend. Please send the homework back completed in the student's folder on the next Monday (3 days later).

The Spelling List should be studied throughout the weekend and the following week, and a Spelling Test will be given the next Friday (one week later). I will begin choosing the Spelling words by picking words students can sound out, like "sun" (s-u-n). As students phonics skills improve, I will choose more difficult words. The score is not as important as the effort. As long as a student tries hard, they are succeeding! The number score is not of high importance.

Here are some tips for how to practice the Spelling List:

1) Look at the word.
2) Say the word. Listen to the sounds. Say the letters in order. ("Fish"    "f-i-sh)
3) Think about the word. Picture how the letters look.
4) Write the word down.
5) Check your spelling.

Parents should ask the students to practice writing their words about once a day (5-6 times a week).

Homework & Spelling List #1

Homework: Due Monday, August 19th
- "Writing the Alphabet" worksheet. Please trace the letters of the alphabet.

Spelling List: Test Friday, August 23rd
  1. sun        
  2. milk        
  3. dog        
  4. rug          
  5. log        
  6. sing
  7. doll
  8. web
  9. tan
 10. bug

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Parent and Teacher Orientation

Dear Parents,

A notice was sent out on Wednesday, August 14th regarding the Parent and Teacher Orientation on Saturday, August 24th from 9:30-12:00pm. Please return the completed form in your student's communication book by tomorrow (Friday, August 16th).

Thank You!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Week 1 Daily Plan: August 12-16th


Morning Assembly
Language: Writing Classroom Rules
Math: Times of Day
Science: Our 5 Senses Introduction

Reading: Jack’s Talents
Language: Reading Buddies Introduction
Story Time
Science: Our 5 Senses Activity
Reading/Phonics: Sight Words Introduction

Phonics: Partner Letters
Language: Being a Good Listener, Speaker, Writer, & Viewer
Writing: Getting Ready to Write
Math: Times of Day
Social Studies: Something New

Reading: Jack’s Talents
Social Studies: Something New
Christian Living

Phonics: The Letter S
Language: The Alphabet and Me; Introduce Spelling Tests
Social Studies: My Class and Me
Math: Times of Day
Science: Science Skills 
Writing: Identifying the ABC’s

Tuesday Morning we will begin a Reading Buddies program with Mrs. de la Cruz's Grade 3 class. K2 students will be paired with Grade 3 students who will read to them about once a month. This is to help students improve their reading and comprehension skills, and also to foster a love for reading!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Welcome to K2

Dear Parents and Students,                                                       

Welcome to K2! I hope you had a terrific summer.
I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know you, and I’m looking forward to a happy and productive school year. Our class blog is:

This blog will be used for all schedules, information, and assignments as well as homework. I will also use the blog for posting photographs of class activities and just use it as a way of keeping you informed and up-to-date for activities for school life.  The Communication Book will only be for material related to specific students (your child).
The start of a new year holds the promise of new discovery and learning as well as the prospect of personal growth in all areas. We will have lots of fun reading, writing, and learning new things together.
In Kindergarten, students will need the following:
* sleeping bag
* slippers
* toothpaste and toothbrush
* plastic cup
* 1 bag of tissue
* 1 bag wet tissue
* 1 bottle hand sanitizer
* 1 bottle hand soap
* English name stickers
* extra uniform (with initials or name please)
* 2 snacks daily (FRUIT ONLY)
* apron for Art Class
* pencil case (pencils, eraser, ruler)
* crayons / markers / coloring pencils (if possible Faber Castell)
* towel / handkerchief
* one or two books which will be used as a class library (more is also fine!)
* sketch books
* scissors and glue
* one workbook

Please remember to label all your child’s material with their English name or initials.
Also, we need to collect 4000 NT dollars for the class fund from each student. This money is used to purchase materials for the classroom for various events and activities.
Thank you for your support. We look forward to a wonderful year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Please also be reminded that:
      - Kindergarten students are to wear their PE Uniform every day, however for Mass    K2 students must wear their proper full school uniform (including black leather shoes)
      - Students should be prompt in coming to school no later than 8:30 a.m. every-day
      - Students will be ready and waiting to go home at 4:00 p.m. everyday
Furthermore, I would like to collect $4000 NTD from each student for class fund.    A detailed spending list will be provided by the end of the school year.
So much will happen this year and because of this, the year will be full of important transitions.    I believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success. If you ever have any comments, questions or concerns, please write to me in the communication book. I will be available in the lobby every day during pick-up time from 4-4:30 pm if you have any questions, concerns or just want to talk!
Once again, welcome to K2!

Let’s work together to make this the best year ever!


Ms. Emily Scott