Thursday, March 6, 2014

Show & Tell

This Friday, March 7th, K2 will begin a weekly Show & Tell ritual as a way to promote oral language, group presentation and question/answer skills.

Each Friday, one student will be asked to bring in a special object (a toy, picture, souvenir, etc.) from home to share with their classmates.

The "Show & Tell Box" will be sent home with one student every Thursday. The student will choose a special object to put inside the special box so other's cannot see the item (SHH it's a secret!). Have the student think of three clues about the object. During Show and Tell time, the other students will try to guess what is in the bag based on the clues. For example, if the student brings in a toy snake, some clues might be "It doesn't have legs. It is green. It slithers on the ground."

Macarius has volunteered to be our first Show & Teller, so we look forward to what he has to share tomorrow!