Friday, May 30, 2014


Huge congratulations to K2 on their fantastic Graduation speech and ceremony, and for all the hard work they did this year! This is a special time, completing Kindergarten and embarking on a new journey ahead. Please do not hesitate to send me an e-mail any time, I will try to respond as soon as possible:

Thank you to Fiona's father who has put together this great video from graduation:

Thank you for the wonderful year and see you soon :)

Monday, May 26, 2014


Graduation will begin at 10:00am this Wednesday. See you all then!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Mass Tomorrow

Students must wear their proper school uniform to school tomorrow for mass. K2 will be the class sponsor so they will be reading Prayers of the Faithful and brining up the Gifts of Offering. You are welcome to join us!

You're Invited...

Dear Parents,

I would like to offer an open invitation for you to join us for our classroom party tomorrow at 3:00pm. I would also like to invite students to bring in their favourite games or toys to play with. From 3-3:30pm you will have the chance to play games with the students and from 3:30-4pm we will play outside.

See you tomorrow!

I'm back after a couple days off healing from a sinus infection. Feeling much better after lots of rest and medication.

As the year winds down, I would like to ask each student to bring in a bag for their art work and books to take home. A sturdy, medium sized cloth or plastic bag would be great.

Also, for the graduation ceremony, we will ask one parent to walk their child to the front of the gym at the beginning of the ceremony. Please decide which parent will guide the student and be present and on-time next Wednesday.

Thank you!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Year End Schedule & Notices

In each students communication books I have attached their lines for the Graduation Speech. Please help them to practice these lines at home, speaking clearly and loudly.

This is a reminder than next Tuesday, May 20th will be a half day with classes ending at 12:00pm.

Next Friday, May 23rd will be the May Crowing/Closing Mass and K2 will be the sponsor class. Students will be reading the Prayers of the Faithful and bringing forth the gifts for God. Please feel free to attend the mass. It will begin at 8:30am. That afternoon K2 will have their year end party from 2-4pm. I will write a more detailed post on Monday to confirm details of the party.

The morning of Wednesday, May 28th will be the K2 & Grade 5 Graduation as well as Recognition Day for Honors Students. K2 has been working hard for this special day so I hope to see you all there!
This day will be a half day, with school ending after the ceremony. The following day, Thursday, May 29th will also be a half day and K1 & K2 will be going on a field trip to the Butterfly Garden that morning. Friday, May 30th will mark the last day of the school year and it will also be a half day.

Lunch will not be served Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (May 28th-30th) as school will be ending at 12pm.


Finally, as most of you already know, I will not be returning to D.I.S.K. next fall. Although my time here has been wonderful and it has been an extreme pleasure to teach your children, I have family obligations to attend to at home in Canada. With that being said, Taiwan is a fantastic country I now call home and I may be back early next winter. My e-mail address is if you'd like to contact me. Please feel free to leave your e-mail address in your child's communication book if you'd like me to contact you when I'm back in Taiwan.

Thank you and Happy Friday!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

Week 38 Daily Plan: May 12-16

Morning Assembly
Phonics: Long vowel a
Science: How Things Move
Reading: Dr. Seuss
Language: Final Copy Seed Stories
Graduation Rehearsal 
Social Studies: Heros Past & Present 
Science: How Things Move 

Reading: Dr. Seuss
Phonics: Long vowel a
Social Studies: Goods or Services
Math: 26-30
Writing: K & X

Language: Final Copy Seed Stories
Math: Calendar-Using Numbers 1-31
Christian Living
Spelling Test
Show & Tell
Graduation Rehearsal 
Phonics: Long vowel a
Math: Count by 2s, 5s 10s

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Today's Homework

Journey's Workbook page 113

Journey's Reader: Read "Dr. Seuss" 2 times

Monday, May 5, 2014

Today's Homework

Phonics page 139

Choose the correct word for the picture. Circle the vowel that is in the word.

Thursday, May 1, 2014