Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Art Museum Field Trip!

Week 24 Daily Plan: February 3-7

Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Language: Verbs
Phonics: Short i
Social Studies: Families All Around
Math: Adding 2 to #s 6-8
Writing: n & u

Reading: Gus Takes the Train
Science: Weather
Christian Living
Language: Making a Big Book
Phonics: short i
Math: Adding Pennies
Science: Weather

Monday, January 27, 2014

Chinese New Year Concert

Tomorrow will be the last day of school before Chinese New Year. We will be doing special CNY activities in the morning and having our annual CNY Concert in the afternoon, beginning at 2pm. I hope to see you all there! K2 will be preforming right at the beginning of the show, so if you can't stay for the whole concert, feel free to stop by and watch them at the start!

Reminder that students need to bring short, white socks to wear in their dance shoes. I have received the following students' socks: Winston, Kellen, Macarius, Daniel and Claire. All others, please send short white socks to school in your child's bag tomorrow morning! Thank you.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Today's Homework

Please write an addition sentence for each picture. Ex. 3 + 1 = 4

On the back, draw your own picture and write the addition sentence.

Also, we had a great time at the Art Museum this morning. I will post pictures before Chinese New Year!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Today's Homework

Phonics page 91- Students need to write the short i word for each picture. If students are unsure how to spell, check the previous pages for correct spelling. This is due tomorrow!

Class and Individual Photos

Tomorrow, Thursday, January 23rd, K2 will be having their class and individual photos taken. Students will need to wear their proper full school uniform including black shoes to school. Please send PE uniforms in student's backpacks for them to change into afterwards.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Chinese New Year Costumes

On January 28th D.I.S.K. will be having its annual Chinese New Year Concert! For the concert, all K2 students will be required to wear short, white socks (ankle height) and girls will need to wear their hair in pigtails. Please send the socks to school with students on January 27th. Thanks!

Week 22 Daily Plan: January 20-24

Language: Question and Answer Books
Phonics: Short i
Science: Natural Resources
Language: Question and Answer Dialogue
Reading: Gus Takes the Train
Math: Adding 1 to numbers 0-9
Social Studies: My Favorite Folktale
Science: Conservation: Water Race
Writing : Review
Language: Verbs
Phonics: Short i
Social Studies: Families All Around
Math: Adding 2 to numbers 0-5
Writing: r & h

Reading: Gus Takes the Train
Social Studies: Families All Around
Christian Living
Field Trip!

Science: Recycling

Family Photos

In Social Studies next week we will be learning about "Families". I'm asking each student to bring a photo of their family to class to share with their friends. Please look this weekend for a photo and send it to school on Monday. I will return the photos on Friday. Thanks!

This Weekend's Homework

Phonics - page 88

Blend the letters together to sound out the word, then write the word on the line. Finally, draw a line from the word to the picture it names.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Today's Homework

Please read 'Gus Takes the Train' (Journeys Reading Book page 113-124) two times.

Complete Journeys Practice Book page 63. We completed the top of the page in class (Characters and Setting). For the rest of the page (Plot) please draw three small pictures: one for the beginning of the story, one for the middle of the story and one for the end of the story.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Today's Homework

Journey's Practice Book pg. 64-65. Students know how to complete the work.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Please send students to school in proper full school uniform tomorrow for the New Year's Mass. Feel free to send their PE uniforms for them to change in afterwards.

Also, class photos will also be taken tomorrow. Individual photos will be taken later in the year for K2, when their graduation robes arrive.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Week 21 Daily Plan: January 13-17


Mass Rehearsal
Phonics: Review
Science: Water
New Years Mass
Language: Question and Answer Books
Reading: Gus Takes the Train
Math: Review
Writing : Review

Language: Questions & Answers
Phonics: i
Social Studies: Where People Live
Math: Addition
Writing: r & h

Reading: Gus Takes the Train
Social Studies: Where People Live
Christian Living
Language: Spelling Test
Phonics: ai
Math: Addition
Science: Water

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Tomorrow, Friday January 9th is a half day and school will end at 12pm. See you in the afternoon for interviews! If you cannot attend the interviews feel free to take a look at your child's report card after school next week.

Today's Homework

Please complete Journeys Practice Book pages 57-59.

On page 57, please write the letter "u" in the blank to complete each word. Then read the word aloud.

On page 58, please write the missing letter in the blank to complete each word. Ex. 1) rug

On page 59, please write the words that rhyme in one column, and the words that do not rhyme in the other.


Also, please find two rocks from your house or outside and bring to class tomorrow for Science class. Students will tell their classmates where they found the rocks and describe them to the class.


Monday, January 6, 2014

Sports Day!

Happy Holidays and welcome back to school!

This is a reminder that we will have Sports Day tomorrow afternoon. Please send students to school wearing their Sports Day shirts that they received in the first quarter.

Also, Friday will be a half day with Parent-Teacher interviews taking place in the afternoon. If you would like to schedule an interview and haven't done so already, please write what time you would prefer to meet between 1-2:30pm.
