Thursday, October 31, 2013

Today's Homework

Please have student's add this week's spelling list words to their "Spelling Dictionary".

Please return Spelling Dictionaries tomorrow!

Signs from Around the World

Learning about signs is an extensive topic in the Kindergarten curriculum.

Kellen recently went on a trip to Japan and was kind enough to take some pictures of signs for us to see!

Can you figure out what they all mean?




Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Week 12 Daily Plan: October 28-November 1

Sorry for the delay in posting this week's plan. There has been some trouble with the school Internet and I didn't notice until today that the plan didn't post properly! 

Phonics: the letters qu & v
Language: Rhyming books
Science: Life Cycle of a Pumpkin

Reading: Curious George
Reading Buddies
Social Studies: Flags
Math: Money Assessment
*Nativity Rehearsal 3-3:45
*Mass Rehearsal*
Social Studies: Different countries Flags 
Phonics: Review
Language: Language Festival  

*Living Rosary Mass*
Christian Living

Phonics: review
Language: Spelling Test
*Nativity Rehearsal*
Math: Measurement Introduction
Science: Trees

Thursday, October 24, 2013

October School Newsletter (Digital Copy)

Dear Parents,

The first quarter of the year is over! It’s been eventful and busy, full of great experiences, learning, and growth.

Halloween Fashion Show
This upcoming Friday, October 25th, will be our annual Halloween Event! Students are encouraged to bring costumes to school and will be allowed to change into them after 1:00 PM on Friday afternoon. The show itself will begin at 2:30. Parents are welcome to come to help their students prepare and to participate in the festivities.
Our classes will be grouped together into three groups: Pre-K – K2, Grades 1 – 3, and finally, Grades 4 – 6, and one student in each grade will be recognized for their costume!

Dominican School Car Passes
Car Passes are here! Each family will receive one car pass, which will be placed in the passenger side (right side) window for security and identification purposes. When you come to pick up your pass, please give the office the license plate number on the vehicle that will hold the pass. We need this information for our records.
Families may purchase additional passes for 150 NT each. Passes can be picked up at the office from Ms. Lee. If you cannot pick up the pass yourself, you may send a signed note to school with your student. Students will not be allowed to take passes home without a signed note, but please understand that passes that are lost on the way home will be the student’s responsibility.
Each pass will have a space for the school year and the license plate number. Please write your license plate number on the slip below and return it to the office so we can fill that information in for you.
Parents can begin picking up their passes on Thursday, October 24th and we will start using them on November 1st.

New Tardy Policy
We are instituting a new Tardy Policy here at Dominican. Students who arrive at school after morning prayers have begun (8:30 AM) will come directly to the office to get a note. Students will take this note to their Homeroom teacher. Three Tardy Slips will result in one absence.

Community Development
Our Community Development activity this year will take place on November 8th. Our school will be splitting up into three groups.
Grades 1-3 will be visiting a home for the elderly. After our visit, we will meet up with Kindergarten at the Our Lady of China church to have lunch. At this time, Father Anthony Mai will teach our students a little bit about our parish.
After lunch, the kindergarten will return to school and Grades 1-3 will use the rest of their school day helping to clean the church.
Grades 4-6 will be visiting the St. Teresa Opportunity Center in Tainan. We will tour the grounds and will be given the opportunity to interact with some of the children in the home. Our students will also present the donations we gather to the school and the children.
Students will be required to wear their PE uniforms to school. We need students to be wearing the normal PE shirt, not a Sports Day shirt.

The St. Teresa Opportunity Center helps children in need, as does a local orphanage, Girl’s Town, in Sandimen, and it is our duty as a member of this community to help where we can.
We would like to ask our students and our parents to help these organizations by either donating money or donating toys. If your student has toys that they no longer play with, we know some children who would love to have them.
If you decide to donate money to the organizations, please contact Ms. Lee in the office.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Today's Homework

Complete Journey's Practice Book p. 23-24 for tomorrow.

For page 24, students may not be able to read the words in the box "lamp, milk, door, chair, book" but have them say what the picture is, then use the first sound to choose the right word. Ex. "Door" starts with the letter "D", so they should choose the word that starts with "D".

Monday, October 21, 2013

Week 11 Daily Plan: October 21-25

Phonics: the letter c
Language: Using the Telephone
Science: Parts of a Plant

Reading: The Storm
Language: Rhyming Books
Social Studies: Being a Good Citizen
Science: Plant Life Cycle
Reading/Phonics: Go Fish with Sight Words
Phonics: the letter r
Language: Making Rhyming Counting Books
Writing: #8-9
Math: Act It Out Using Money
Social Studies: Voting
Reading: The Storm
Social Studies: Flags
Christian Living

*Halloween Fashion Show Rehearsal *
Phonics: the letter p
Language: Spelling Test
Math: Read-Along

** 2:00pm: Halloween Fashion Show ** 

Today's Homework

1) Complete the "Rhymes" worksheet

2) Write Spelling Corrections. For each Spelling Test word spelling incorrectly, write it corrected 3 times in the spelling tablet. Students do not need to correct the Bonus word (#11: Money).

2nd Quarter Events!

I hope everyone had a great weekend. It was nice to see you on Friday at the Parent-Teacher Interviews. K2 is off to a great 2nd Quarter start so far!

Here is an overview of what we will be learning as the 2nd Quarter begins:

Math: Money (Coins: Pennies, Nickels, Dimes and Quarters) & Measurement
Science: Plants
Language: Rhyming and Numbers
Writing: Numbers and Lower Case letters
Social Studies: Citizenship
Reading: The Storm & Curious George
Sight Words: go, help, here, jump, little

We will continue having Reading Buddies on the last Tuesday of each month with Ms. De La Cruz's Grade 3 class, and have begun a weekly Dance Class to prepare for Chinese New Year. We will begin preparing for the Language Festival that will take place on November 29th and the Christmas Concert on December 20th.

Finally, this Friday, October 25th we will be celebrating Halloween at D.I.S.K. Please send students to school in their PE uniform with their costume in their bag. You may come at 1:30pm to help dress your child in their costume, if you wish. The annual Halloween Fashion Show will begin at 2:00pm. After the Fashion Show, students will trick or treat briefly. I am looking forward to seeing everyone's costumes!

There are many exciting things to look forward to in the upcoming weeks!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Parent Teacher Meetings & Half Day Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, Friday, October 18th will be a half day at DISK, with classes ending and students being picked up at 12:00 noon. Lunch will not be provided, but please bring one snack (fruit) for the morning. In the afternoon, parent-teacher meetings will take place. The schedule is as follows:

Daniel: 12:50-1
Victoria: 1-1:10
Macarius: 1:50-2
Winston: 2-2:10
Claire: 2:10-2:20
Fiona: 2:30-2:40

I look forward to seeing you all and sharing your child's progress with you! All K2 students have excelled and seen much positive growth academically and socially in the 1st Quarter. I am so proud of them all!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Photos for You

If you would like a personal copy of the photos I've posted online or taken in the 1st Quarter, please send a USB to school in the Communication Book or give to me after school and I will upload the photos onto it so you will have your own copy!

I hope you enjoy looking at the new Science photos!

Hands-On Science!

In K2, we have been learning about Living Things, including Animals & Plants, throughout the 1st Quarter and into the 2nd. Some topics have included: Needs of Living Things, Life Cycles and Growth & Change over time. Here are some photos of some lessons along the way! 

Sharing what they know about animals 
More animal drawings!
K2 Captain Fish!

Planting Dill Herbs 

K2 Gardeners! 

Cactus, Aloe Vera, Basil, Dill & Mint

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Today's Homework

Please read "Journeys" pg. 39-44 x 3 times

Complete "Journeys Workbook"pg. 18-19. We read the "Spelling Words" on page 18, and the "Word Bank" on page 19 in class, but students may need help reading them again.

This homework is due tomorrow - Wednesday, October 16th.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sports Day!

Please dress students in their Sports Day shirts and PE shorts tomorrow for our first Sports Day celebration! Activities will begin between 2:15-2:30pm, so if you would like to come and watch feel free to join us!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Week 10 Daily Plan: October 14-18th

Phonics: Review of l, d, n
Language: Counting Books
Dance Class

** Sports Day 2:30-3:30**

Reading: The Storm
Language: Counting Books & Rhyming
Social Studies: Leaders
Science: Plant Parts
Sight Words
Phonics: The letter W
Language: Rhyming
Social Studies: Good Citizens
Math: Nickles
Writing: Numbers 6-7
Reading: The Storm
Math: Dimes
Christian Living
Language: Spelling Test
Science: Plant Parts Activity

Parent-Teacher Interviews

Next Friday, October 18th from 1:00-2:30pm DISK will be holding Parent-Teacher Interviews.

Each interview will be 10 minutes in length and you will have a chance to see your child's report card, discuss their learning over the 1st quarter, as well as what we will be learning in the 2nd quarter.

If you cannot attend the interviews, I will send your child's Report Card home on Monday, October 21st and please return it back to school by Wednesday, October 23rd. There is only one copy of each report card, so please treat it with care.

Please write in the Communication Book what time you would like to come on Friday, October 18th and I will try my best to accommodate your request!

Reminder: There is no school tomorrow, enjoy the holiday!  Happy 10/10 Day!

Today's Homework

Since we have a field trip on Friday, I will send this weekend's homework and Spelling List home today.

The homework is due Monday, October 14th.

The Spelling Test will be on Friday, October 18th.

Attn: Field Trip Transportation Change

Dear Parents,

Due to a large increase in participants coming to the Rubber Duck on Friday between the time the bus was booked on Tuesday afternoon to Wednesday, unfortunately we have to ask that all parents drive to the duck as there will be not enough room on the buss. We are asking that parents meet K1 and K2 at the entrance to the duck between 8:45 and 9am on Friday. If you have any problems you can contact either Ms. Scott at 098914897 or Ms. Lewandowski at 098133126.

Sorry for the last minute change and any inconveniences this may have caused.


Ms. Scott and Ms. Lewandowski

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

School News

Although tomorrow is a half day for elementary school, it is a regular full day for Kindergarten.

Thursday DISK will be closed (no school) for the 10/10 National Holiday.

Friday is a half day, with school ending at 12pm. K2 will have our class trip, taking the bus to the Rubber Ducky as soon as students arrive at school, and returning before 12pm.

Monday will be Sports Day from 2:30-3:30pm. Parents are invited to come and watch the activities! Please send students to school wearing their Sports Day shirts on Monday, October 14th. This day will also mark the first day of the 2nd Quarter.

Today's Homework

Draw the hands on the 12 clicks to complete the "What time is it?" Handout.
It is due tomorrow, Wednesday, October 9th.

Remember: the hour hand is shorter than the minute hand. Please use a ruler if possible.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Field Trip Info

For insurance purposes we will need all parents who will be attending the field trip's full name, ID number and date of birth.  Please write this information in your child's communication book tonight. Thank you!

Today's Homework

1) Chinese Homework. Due tomorrow, Tuesday, October 8th.

2) Spelling Corrections: Before returning the Spelling Tablet to class on Wednesday, I ask students to write each word spelled incorrectly 3 times. Students can write corrections at the bottom of the test or on the next page in their spelling tablet. Students do not need to correct the Bonus word (#11: Canada).

Friday, October 4, 2013

K1 & K2 are going to see the Big Yellow Ducky! (Online Version)

Dear Parents,

DISK Kindergarten is going on another field trip!

Here are the details:

When? Friday October 11th from 8:45 until noon.

Where? The Big Yellow Duck at Kaohsiung Harbour.

Who? Ms. Lewandowski, K1, Ms. Scott, and K2. We would also like to invite along any parents who are available that day to lend some help, as it will be busy at the harbour. From speaking with some of you so far, it sounds as though the preference would be if you join us at the harbour. We will determine a location and tell you about this place early next week. 

Please make sure to send your child to school with a full water bottle, snack, a small backpack for the children to carry and a hat to protect their heads. Please also apply sunscreen to your children at home, and put another bottle in their bag so we can help them to re-apply. 

Please return the permission slip by next Tuesday October  8th, 2013 so we know how many children will need supervision while reading quietly or completing small activities in the library, but also so we know how many parent helpers we will have

Student’s Name: __________________________________________________

Parent’s Signature: ________________________________________________

Please circle if your child will be attending:  Yes      No

Please circle if you are going to join our classes on the trip:   Yes      No

Week 9 Daily Plan: October 7-11


Reading: Assessment of “What’s a Pal?”
Language: Noun Review; All About Me Books
Writing: Numbers 2-3
Math: Pennies
Science: Make Bean Plants

Reading: The Storm
Language: All About Me Books
Social Studies: Citizenship Skills- Cooperation
Science: What Plants Need
: Sight word practice: come, down, find, for, funny

Phonics: 1st Quarter Assessment  
Social Studies: Leaders
Math: 1st Quarter Assessment  
Writing: Numbers 4-5

No School:

10/10 Holiday

Field Trip to Rubber Duck!

Half Day: Please pick up students at 12:00pm. No lunch will be served
Regarding Assessments: Students do not need to study at home for upcoming assessments. I am introducing written assessments for some subjects in order to prepare students for elementary assessments, as well as to determine how students are progressing. No stress!