Monday, September 30, 2013

K2 at Play!

Week 8 Daily Plan: September 30- October 4

Language: Spelling corrections
Writing: Evaluation/Review
Math: Review
Science: Plants Intro

Reading: The Storm
Language: “Me” Books
Social Studies: Signs all Around
Science: Plants: Nature Walk
Reading/Phonics: come, down, find, for, funny
Phonics: d
Language: Noun Review
Social Studies: Who Needs Rules?
Math: Social Studies Connection
Writing: Numbers
Reading: The Storm
Social Studies: Rule Signs
Christian Living
Phonics: n
Language: Spelling Test
Math: Money
Science: Plant Experiment

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sports Day!

On October 14th DISK will be celebrating its first quarter SPORTS DAY! This year, DISK will be having a Sports Day each quarter; so we will be celebrating 4 times.

Students will be receiving new t-shirts for this event, so I ask parents to send 200NT to help cover some of the costs of the shirts.

Please send this money via your child's Communication Book by Wednesday, October 1st.

Thank you :)

Homework & Spelling List #6

Homework: Due Monday, September 30th

1) Complete Worksheet "Time to the Hour".
Please write the time, then read aloud "It is __________ o'clock" for all.

2) Clock Scavenger Hunt. Over the weekend, please help your child look for clocks around the house, and when you're out on the town. On the back on the Worksheet, students will draw 4 different clocks they have seen over the weekend.

Spelling List #6: Test on Friday, October 4th

1. if
2. it
3. is
4. bit
5. hit
6. sit
7. rid
8. lid
9. sip
10. tip

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Teacher's Day Celebration

For Teacher's Day tomorrow, we will celebrate by watching a Disney movie about animals and having a pizza party!

Students will only need to bring one snack for the first break.

See you all tomorrow!

School Arrival Time

Every morning Kindergarten students meet in the office before walking together up to the classroom in time to listen to the Announcements & Morning Prayers. We begin walking upstairs at 8:25am, as the Announcements & Prayers begin promptly at 8:30am. From 8:25-8:30am students unpack their bags and prepare for the day. Directly after announcements (8:35am) we begin our first lesson, which is completed at 8:55am for our bathroom break.

When students arrive late, they must wait in the hall with Ms. Huan until announcements are completed, and then walk to the class and can't begin to unpack their bag until 8:35am. Late students miss a big portion of the first lesson.

If possible, it would be beneficial for students to arrive at school by 8:25 at the latest in order for them to be on the same schedule as their classmates.

Thanks for your understanding!

Today's Homework

Students have Chinese homework tonight.

It is due tomorrow, Friday, September 27th.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Today's Homework

Students have Chinese homework tonight.

It is due tomorrow, Wednesday, September 25th.

All About "Me"

Students will be making "All About Me" books in Language Arts class this week and into next week.

One page asks students to write their phone number, and another asks students to write their address.

If you could please write your phone number and address in students Communication Books tonight that would be great! If you know the address in English, even better!

Thanks - I think the students will be very proud to share the finished books with you!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Today's Homework

Complete Journey's Practice Book page 11 "My Pals" and return tomorrow, Tuesday, September 24th. 

Students will draw 4 "pals" (friends) and write under the picture who it is.

Some pals students can draw and label are: mom, dad, brother, sister, Macarius, Fiona, Daniel, Winston, Alan, Claire, Victoria, Kellen, Ms. Scott, Ms. Lee, my dog, my cat, K2 Captain Fish, etc.

If your student forgot their Journey's book on Friday, they may read the story "What is a Pal?"3 times tonight with you.  Please return the Journey's book tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Happy Moon Festival Weekend!

Week 7 Daily Plan: September 23-27


Phonics: Review j, f, g
Language: “All About Me” Books
Writing: Slant &  Stroke
Math: Telling Time (Analog vs Digital)
Science: Life Cycle Activity

Reading: Reading Buddies
Language: : “All About Me” Books
Social Studies: What I Learn
Science: Animal Review
Reading: Friends Forever

Language: : “All About Me” Books
Social Studies: Unit 1 Review
Math: More Telling Time
Writing: “C”

Reading: Pal Drawings
Social Studies: Rules
Christian Living

Phonics: “d”
Language: : Spelling Test
* Teacher's Day Celebrations *

Homework & Spelling List #5

Homework: Due Monday, September 23rd

1) Please read "Journeys - What is a Pal?" (p. 15-24) 3 times

2) Left and Right handout (pg. 106, 107)

Spelling List #5: Test on Friday, September 27th

1. let
2. met
3. net
4. pet
5. set
6. yet
7. fell
8. bell
9. sell
10. nest

Moon Festival Holiday

Just a reminder that today (Wednesday, September 18th) is the final day of class for the week.

Enjoy your 4-day Moon Festival Holiday and see you on Monday, September 23rd!

Monday, September 16, 2013

School Mass Tomorrow

Just a reminder for all K2 students to wear their full school uniform tomorrow. They may bring their PE uniform to change into after.

See you tomorrow!

Monday Homework

Please complete "Journeys" Pages 4, 5 and 9 and return tomorrow (Tuesday, September 17th)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Week 6 Daily Plan: September 16-20

Mass Rehearsal
Language: Words for Feelings
Writing: Letter Slant
Math: Time to the Hour
Science: Life Cycles

Holy Cross Mass: Please wear full school uniform!
Reading: What’s a Pal?
Social Studies: Around my School
Science: Life Cycles
Reading/Phonics: Sentences with Sight Words

Phonics: the letter “g”
Language: Parts of a Book
Science: Life Cycle Activity
Math: Time to the Hour
Writing: Line strokes

No School

Moon Festival Holiday

No School

Moon Festival Holiday

See you on Monday, September 23rd !

Homework & Spelling Test

Homework: Due Monday, September 26th

1. Order the Events (1, 2, 3)
    Then have the student tell you what's happening in each picture using the words: First, Next &             Last 
   (ex. First,  the eggs are in the nest. Next, the eggs hatch/open. Last, the birds are born/out.)

2. Trace the names of each month.
   Then read the month names 3 times each.

There will be no Spelling Test next week due to the Moon Festival Holiday!

Enjoy your weekend

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fire Safety!

Kellen wins a prize for answering a question!

Learning about fire extinguishers 

Dressing up as a fireman

Well Dressed Students

Looking beautiful in their full school uniforms for mass 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Art Class Fun!

All students worked very hard to make picture frames with Ms. Chen! Keep up the good work :)

Chinese Homework

Chinese Homework will be sent home most Wednesdays and Fridays.

Please return Wednesday's homework by Friday, and Friday's homework on Monday.

Therefore, the homework sent home today is due Friday, September 13th.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Homework & Spelling List # 4

Homework: Due Monday, September 9th 

- Complete pages 171-172 in student's Time and Money math workbook.

For each number, have the students
underline the activity they predict (or guess) will take more time.

Next, have the students do the activities.

in blue the activity that took less time. Circle in red the activity that took more time.

For the "Quick Check" box (#3-4 on page 172)

3. Circle the picture that shows the afternoon.
4. Circle the clothing worn on a warmer day

Spelling List #4: Test Friday, September 13th
 1. bed
 2. led
 3. beg
 4. men
 5. den
 6. jet
 7. hen
 8. red
 9. leg
10. wed 

Have a good weekend! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Congratulations K2!!!!

K2 got their 15th orange ball today! This means we will be getting a class fish on Friday on our field trip. Congratulations for your good behavior over the past month! Now we need to think of a name for our new fish friend...

Chinese Homework

Chinese homework was sent home today from Ms. Lin. Please complete the work pages and return to school by Friday, September 6th.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Teaching Physical Literacy at Home!

I found this article online and thought you might find some good ideas for teaching your children movement skills at home! 
  1. Hop to it. After breakfast, hop or skip to the bathroom to brush their teeth. If one-foot hopping, don’t forget to switch legs.
  2. Catch a snack. Instead of putting snacks directly into their backpacks, throw them instead! This works well with oranges, apples, and boxes of raisins.
  3. Sock toss. While the kids put away their laundry, have them toss a rolled up sock into the air in front of them and then catch it with their non-dominant hand. When this becomes easy, get them to do it while moving around.
  4. Step on the crack. During the morning walk to school, develop balance by walking along cracks in the sidewalk as if they were a tightrope.
  5. Be a stork. At the grocery store (or anywhere else you’re waiting in line), balance on one foot. Don’t forget to change feet!
  6. Kick it. On the way home from school, kick a rock along the sidewalk. The purpose is to keep the same rock in play and not to kick it too hard or too far.
  7. Stair jump. If your kids are old enough to do this safely, have them try walking backwards down the stairs or jumping up the stairs with both feet.
  8. Do the can-can. While the kids are helping put away groceries, challenge them to balance cans on the palms of their hands.
  9. Backwards brush. Before bed kids can brush their teeth with their non-dominant hand (but make sure they go back over them with their dominant hand to avoid an angry dentist).
  10. Laundry shoot. Throw dirty clothes into the laundry basket by shooting them in from a couple of feet away. As their accuracy improves, increase the distance.
Even choosing just one of these a day will help your kids develop skills like balance, throwing, catching, jumping, and kicking.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Field Trip!

Today a letter will be going home to inform parents and students of an upcoming field trip! Please return the signed form by Wednesday, September 4th so we can plan for the correct number of students.

Thank you!

Monday Homework

Please complete the 3 worksheets and return them on Wednesday, September 4th.

1. Review A-J: Draw a line from A-J in alphabetical order (ex. a - b - c).
2. Review Dd, Ee, Ff: Match the letter on the left to its partner on the right. Color the matching letter.
    Review Jj, Kk, Ll

Homework Folders

Please remember to return the Homework Folder every Monday, as new homework will go home on Mondays.

Those students who did not return their Homework Folder today will receive their homework in their Communication Book this time.

Please return the homework on Wednesday.

I hope you all had a great weekend!