Thursday, December 19, 2013

Last Minute Reminders...

Please wear proper full school uniform to school tomorrow for Christmas mass. You can send PE uniforms in student's backpacks to change into after mass.

Also, please send a pair of black pants to keep students warm under their costumes for the Christmas Concert.

Looking forward to seeing the performances tomorrow, it will be a great show!

Secret Santa!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Spelling List #16 & Parent-Teacher Interview Clarification

The test for Spelling List #16 will take place after winter vacation on Friday, January 10th. This is a very busy week with mass, rehearsals, the Christmas concert and our Christmas Party, so we will not have a Spelling Test this week. Students can take a rest and enjoy their last week before winter vacation!

Also, to clarify for Part-Teacher interviews, the second quarter interviews will be the same as the first quarter ones, 10 minutes each running from 1-2:30. Please write in your child's book what time you would like to come.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Week 19 Daily Plan: December 16-20


Nativity Rehearsal

Phonics: 2nd Quarter Assessment

Science: 2nd Quarter Assessment


Nativity Rehearsal

Reading Buddies

Social Studies: 2nd
Quarter Assessment

Christmas Concert


Mass Rehearsal

Nativity Rehearsal

K2 Christmas Party! (Please make sure Secret Santa gifts have been sent to class!)

Reading: Lucia's 


Christian Living

* Christmas Mass *

Nativity Rehearsal

Writing: d & g

* Christmas Concert
2-4pm * 

Today's Homework

Please read Journeys "Lucia's Neighbourhood" (pg. 87-98) 2 times. Then complete Journeys Workbook pages 51 and 53.

This homework is due tomorrow.

December & January Reminders

1) Tomorrow, Friday, December 13th is a half day at D.I.S.K. with students being dismissed at 12pm.

2) The K2 Christmas Party will take place next Wednesday, December 17th in the afternoon. Please make sure to send Secret Santa gifts to class on Wednesday or earlier. I have received 3 gifts already, so feel free to send them early!

3) The date for school yearbook photos have been changed from next Thursday, December 19th to Tuesday, January 14th.

4) Our Christmas mass will take place next Friday, December 20th. Students must wear full school uniform on that day.

5) The Christmas Concert will also be next Friday, December 20th at 2pm. Please come and watch the students dazzle you with their many talents! This will also be the last day of school before the Christmas holiday. The school will start again after Christmas holidays on Monday, January 6th.

6) It seems like a long way off, but Parent Teacher Interviews will take place Friday, January 10th. This day will also be a half day with students being dismissed at 12pm. Please write in the Communication Book what time you would like to come on Friday, January 10th and I will try my best to accommodate your request!

I think that's all for now! There are lots of exciting things happening before next Friday. Students are also getting very excited for the holidays and I've been hearing lots about their plans for the break. Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Week 18 Daily Plan: December 9-13

Phonics: Short Vowel a Spelling
Science: Day & Night Sky (Workbook)
Language: Santa Letters (Good Copy)
Reading: Lucia’s Neighborhood
Math: Compare Capacity
Science: Day & Night Sky Drawing (Assessment)
Social Studies: Water, Water Everywhere
* Nativity Rehearsal *

Language: Christmas Concert Practice
Phonics: Short vowel a
Math: Order Capacity
Social Studies: From Place to Place
Writing: e & s

* Nativity Rehearsal  *
Christian Living
Language: Spelling Test
Phonics: Short Vowel a Reading Storytime
Math: Estimate & Measure Capacity

** Half Day – Students Dismissed at 12pm (No lunch will be served) **

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Secret Santa

Christmas is quickly approaching and that's SECRET SANTA TIME!

In D.I.S.K. tradition, K2 will be having it's annual Secret Santa!

Check student's Communication Books for the name of the student they are responsible for buying a gift for. Please buy a 500NT gift for your child's Secret Santa recipient for the gift exchange on Wednesday December 18th.

This will be a secret, so shhhhhh, don't tell your friend that you're their Secret Santa.

Have fun & Hope you're all getting in the Christmas spirit!

Calling All Shoe Boxes

In Math class we will be making balances with shoe box lids to help students better understand weight. If you have any shoe boxes at home, please send them to school tomorrow with your child! I can return them afterwards if you need them back!


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Today's Homework

Please look at your child's spelling test and sign at the bottom.

If students made any errors, please write the corrected word 3 times. If students made no mistakes, then no homework for them :)

Please return spelling tablets by Friday

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Today's Homework

Please complete Journey's Practice Book pg. 44, 46.

Please read Lucia's Neighborhood p. 87-91 3 times in Journey's Reading Book.

It is important not to read ahead with your child, please only go as far as is assigned for homework. By working ahead students may memorize the story which distracts from teaching techniques in class that teach your child life-long reading skills. Thanks!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Week 17 Daily Plan: December 2-6


Language: Adjectives
Phonics: Short vowel a
Science: What Makes Day and Night?
Language: Adjectives & List Writing
Reading: Lucia’s Neighborhood
Math: Compare Weight
Science: The Sun (Make a sundial)
Social Studies: The Land
* Nativity Rehearsal *

Language: List Writing (Letters to Santa)  
Phonices: Short vowel a
Math: Order by Weight
Science: Daytime Activities

Reading: Lucia’s Neighborhood
Writing: Review & Assesment of l, I, t, o, a & c
Christian Living
Language: Spelling Test
Phonics: Short vowel a
Social Studies: Water, Water Everywhere
Math: Estimate & Measure Weight
Writing: the letters “e” & “s”

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Today's Homework

Please read the "Words to Know" 3 times each on pages 82-83 in the Journey's hardcover book.

Have students make their own sentences orally using the 6 words.

Look through the pictures on pg. 87-98 and have students talk about their neighbourhood and places they visit close to their home. Do not read the story, just look at the pictures and discuss!

Please complete Journey's Practice Book pg. 43 by using the "Words to Know" to complete the sentences.

This homework is due Thursday, November 28th.


Just a couple reminders:

1. Please send students to school in proper school uniform on Thursday for the Thanksgiving Mass. K2 students must wear their proper school uniform (not PE uniforms) to each Mass. The Mass will begin Thursday morning at 8:30am and parents are always welcome.

2. Students must bring green and/or blue clothing to wear as their costume for the Language Festival on Friday. Please send students to school in their regular PE uniform, then after nap time we will change into our blue/green outfits (ex. blue shirt, green pants; green pants, blue shirt). You don't need to buy new clothes, just try to find something students already have!

3. The Language Festival will be on Friday, November 29th beginning at 2:30pm.

Thanks and hope everyone is having a great week!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Today's Homework

Please complete both sides of the math "Measuring" handout. A bag of cubes for measuring was sent home with each student, so please return those on Monday.

For students who didn't finish adding their new spelling words into their dictionaries, please complete that this weekend as well. The test will be next Friday.

Also, continue practicing for the Language Festival at home this weekend!

Oh, and have some fun!

Thanks and enjoy your weekend!

Week 16 Daily Plan: November 25-29

Language: Language Festival Practice
Phonics: Short Vowels
Science: Day Sky
Language: Language Festival Practice
Reading Buddies
Social Studies: Map Skills
Science: Day Sky
Math: Read-Along Book
* Nativity Rehearsal *

* Mass Rehearsal *
Math: Review
Social Studies: The Land
Writing: Letters a & c

* Thanksgiving Mass: Please wear full, proper school uniform*
Reading: Lucia's Neighbourhood 
Christian Living
** Language Festival Practice **
Language: Spelling Test
Phonics: Short Vowels
Math: Estimate & Measure
** Language Festival @ 2:30** 

Next week will be a fun & busy week with Nativity Practice, Thanksgiving Mass and the  Language Festival, so ensure students get a good sleep and eat a healthy breakfast each day! 

Keep up the good work K2!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Language Festival

With the Language Festival approaching quickly, K2 is fine tuning their performance. If you could practice this song with them at home, that would be a great help! Please make sure they keep on time with the song playing, and are not singing too slowly or too quickly.

Also, please have students bring green or blue clothing for the performance. We will not be ordering or making costumes for this performance, however I would like everyone to dress in green or blue to keep the World/Earth theme. 
The Language Festival will be on November 29th in the afternoon. I will let you know the time when it is confirmed.

Thanks for your help :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tonight's Homework

1. Social Studies (Horizons: All About Me): page 17. Please have students look at the top map of the    living room. Next, have them draw the missing items onto the bottom map.

2. Some students did not complete their class work today in their Journey's Practice Book p. 36. Please help students to complete this page by filling in each box with the following ideas:

George goes to his first day of school.

He sees the paint and makes a mess. 

The kids help George clean up. 

This homework is due tomorrow, Wednesday, November 20th.

The Giving Tree

K2 has spent the majority of the school year thus far learning about Plants and Animal in Science class. Lately, we have been discussing how plants and animals work together to ensure a balance is kept so their habitats can remain healthy.

Today we read the story "The Giving Tree", which is a rather sad story of a boy using a tree (to sell its apples, to build a house, to build a boat, etc.) until all that's left of the tree is a small stump. This story can be sad for children (and adults too!), however I like to think of it more as an opportunity to teach stewardship skills - being responsible for and protecting our one and only Earth!

If children talk about this story with you, here are some ideas we discussed in class about how to be responsible stewards of the Earth!

Here are a few simple ways kids can help save trees. Feel free to try some at home! 

1. Use paper wisely.
We can save trees from being cut down by using less paper. How can kids help? 
  • Make a space for reusable paper. Dedicate a spot in your home for paper that’s blank on one side. Then reuse it before you recycle it. Put the kids in charge!
  • Use scrap paper (preferably recycled, too) for coloring, drawing, sketching, etc.
  • Use both sides of paper (this one works great for homework).
  • Use cloth napkins. 
  • Choose a reusable lunchbox instead of a paper bag, complete with reusable containers, metal utensils, a cloth napkin and a reusable water bottle.
2. Play and create with trash.
Children love playing with cardboard boxes, empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls – even shoeboxes. Boxes can become forts and superhero headquarters, toilet paper rolls turn into binoculars and bird feeders, and paper towel rolls become spotting scopes and periscopes.

3. Borrow, share and donate books.
We read a lot around here, which translates into tons of books – and therefore lots of paper. The library is a great alternative to buying new, as are friends who are willing to swap books. Instead of holding on to books when your kids have outgrown them, donate them to a used bookstore, library or reading program.

4. Plant a tree.
Although planting trees is a popular Earth Day activity, fall is the season to plant trees and shrubs.Do your homework to make sure you pick the right tree for your space. 

5. Visit the forest.
Our favorite way to pay homage to trees and forests is to spend time with them. V

6. Stay on the trails. 
When you visit the forest, stay on marked trails. This will minimize your impact on wilderness areas, preserving them for future generations.

7. Get your Smokey on.
Remember Smokey the Bear? He’s still around, helping to prevent wildfires – which, by the way are one of the greatest threats to forests. Smokey’s message is worth repeating:
  • Only you can prevent wildfires,
  • Always be careful with fire,
  • Never play with matches or lighters,
  • Always watch your campfire, and
  • Make sure your campfire is completely out before leaving it.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Week 15 Daily Plan: November 18-22

Phonics: Camping Fun Read-Along
Language: Language Festival Practice
Science: Plants & Animals Together
Reading: Curious George
Language: Big Rhyming Book
Social Studies: Map vs. Models
Science: The Giving Tree
Math: Act it Out Nativity Rehearsal

Language: Big Rhyming Book Phonics: Assessment
Social Studies: A Map of my Park  
Math: Read Along Book
Writing: Letters “t” and “o”
Reading: School Long Ago
Writing: letters “a” and “c”
Language: Spelling Test
Phonics: Short Vowels
Math: Review
Science: Plants & Animals Together: Game

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Class Party Tomorrow!

K2 has worked hard to earn 15 orange balls again! We had a class vote in October to determine what kind of party we would have and the Hot Chocolate Party was the winner! After many weeks of good behaviour, tomorrow afternoon we will be having our Hot Chocolate Party.

If you could send a mug to school with your child, that would help for serving the hot chocolate.

Thanks for your help!


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Today's Homework

Please complete Journey's Practice Book p. 37-39

For page 37, please choose the word that correct work that fits in each blank. Fill in the missing letters, then write the word one more time.

For page 38, copy each verb (action word) onto a space in the box.

For page 39, choose 2 verbs (action words; ex. jump, sing, run, swim) and draw a picture of someone or something doing that action.

Also, read the Curious George story in the Journey's hardcover book 2 times (pg. 63-72).

This homework is due Thursday, November 14th.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Week 14 Daily Plan: November 11-15

Phonics: Review xyz
Language: Language Festival Practice
Science: Habitats
Reading: Curious George
Language: Adjectives
Social Studies: Maps vs Models
Science: Habitats: Deserts
Math: Order by Length
* Nativity Rehearsal *

Phonics: Medial Consonants
Language: Rhyming
Math: Measure Length
Social Studies: Models vs Maps
Writing: Numeral Assessment

Reading: Curious George
Writing: L & I
Christian Living
Language: Spelling Test
Language: Spelling
Math: Estimate & Measure
Science: Habitats: Rainforests